ALSUntangled raportit: Accilion ja inosiini


ALStuttu:n jäsen
ALSUntagled on julkaissut kotisivullaan raportit:

- Accilion-mineraalivalmisteesta - tähän ei kannattane ALS-potilaan rahojaan käyttää
In our opinion, Accilion does not have a mechanism that is plausible for the treatment of ALS. There is one patient with a confirmed diagnosis of slowly progressive ALS who had modest objective improvements in motor function while using Accilion.
However, improvements such as these have been described before, even in patients taking a placebo (32). We believe improvements in PALS are important to study, but they may have multiple explanations and thus are not proof of treatment efficacy (32). At this time we do not recommend the use of Accilion for ALS.​

- Inosiinista (engl. inosine) - tulkitsen että mahdollinen hyöty jää toistaiseksi avoimeksi

Inosine is a low-cost supplement that increases the levels of urate, a naturally occurring antioxidant.
With appropriate blood and urine monitoring, it appears reasonably safe. Epidemiologic data suggest that high urate levels may be associated with improved survival in ALS, which prompted pre-clinical studies and clinical trials of inosine. These are still ongoing and will help determine whether inosine could be a useful treatment for ALS."​