Lupaavia alustavia tuloksia ketogeenisestä dieetistä ALS:n hidastamisessa


ALStuttu:n jäsen
Kahdeksan henkilön kokeessa saatiin lupaavia tuloksia ketogeenisestä dieetistä ALS:n hidastamisessa.


F. Francini Pesenti1 , R. Montera1 , G. Sorarù2. 1 Medicina Clinicae Sperimentale, Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova, 2 Department of Neurology, Padua University, Padova, Italy

Rationale: Currently there is no effective treatments to low or stop amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In ALS animal model the administration of a ketogenic diet (KD) increased motor neuron survival and improved motor function. To date there are no studies that have evaluated the effect of KD in humans with ALS. We present some cases of ALS treated long-term with a modified-KD.

Methods: Eight patients with recently diagnosed ALS were treated with a modified KD. The diet provided 30 kilocalories/ kg body weight/day (73% fat, 14% protein, and 12% carbohydrate; fat:carbohydrate plus protein ratio 1.2:1). The carbohydrates were mostly with a low glycemic index (GI) and lipids included 40 g of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). ALS Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS-R) score, bioimpedence analysis (BIA), spirometry and laboratory studies were performed every three months.

Results: Within the first month of treatment two patients dropped out because of its unpleasant taste and two because of weight loss. Two subjects continued the treatment for over 6 months and two for over 24 months. The four patients that follow the modified-KD regimen showed a slow decline of ALSFRS-R score, body weight, lean mass and respiratory function. Lipid profile, serum uric acid, parathyroid hormone, urinary calcium, phosphorus and citrate were not significantly affected after six and 24 months of treatment.

Conclusion: The subjects treated with modified-KD diet longterm showed a slowing in clinical decline with no major adverse effects. The effectiveness of KD in the ALS course must be confirmed by future clinical trials.

Disclosure of Interest: None declared


ALStuttu:n jäsen
Tuossa kirjassa oli mun mielestä hyvä kappale sisätäen koottuna tutkimustietoa diereistä ,lisäravinteista. ja vaihtoehtoishoidosta. . Tuon mukaan korkeakalorisen ruokavalion hidastavasta vaikutuksesta näyttö kiistaton mutta epävarmaksi jäi onko ketogeeninen dieetti parempi kuin runsaasti hiilihydraatteja säsältävä dietti

Itellä reilu kuukausi takana ketogeenistä diettiä. Olossa ei ainakaan heikennystä havaittavissa. Joutunee kuitenkin lopettamaan koska paino meinaa valua väkisin alaspäin runsaassta rasvapitoisesta ruoasta huolimatta.