

ALStuttu:n jäsen
Kyseessä on varsin monipuolisesti vaikuttava aine. Tämä ketju on tehty, jotta nämä eri vaikutukset referensseineen saataisiin esitettyä yhdessä paikassa.


ALStuttu:n jäsen
Maksan toiminta, veren ammoniakkipitoisuuden alentaminen (rotilla).
Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2014 Sep;92(9):780-8. doi: 10.1139/cjpp-2014-0251. Epub 2014 Aug 2.
Resveratrol protects against experimental induced Reye's syndrome by prohibition of oxidative stress and restoration of complex I activity.
Abdin A1, Sarhan N.
Author information

This study was designed to investigate whether resveratrol could provide protection against Reye's syndrome induced by 4-pentenoic acid in Wistar albino rats. Compared with rats with untreated Reye's syndrome, 1 h pretreatment by low dose resveratrol (10 mg/kg by oral gavage) resulted in marked amelioration in liver functions in the form of significant decrease in serum transaminases (AST, ALT) and plasma ammonia levels, shortening of prothrombin time, and increase in serum albumin levels. In addition, resveratrol prohibited oxidative stress markers, as indicated by a significant increase in GSH and decrease in MDA, with restoration of complex I activity in liver tissues. The classical histopathological presentation in Reye's syndrome of microvesicular steatosis by light microscope and mitochondria distortion by electron microscope has been improved by resveratrol pretreatment. The efficient protection by resveratrol was determined by normalization in serum levels of AST and albumin, as well as complex I activity, GSH, and MDA. In conclusion, pretreatment by resveratrol in low doses could protect against Reye's syndrome partially via prohibition of oxidative stress and restoration of complex I activity. This may provide the opportunity to reconsider aspirin therapy for infants and young children. However, the verification of such results in clinical practice remains a challenge.


ALStuttu:n jäsen
Minä olen syönyt useamman vuoden Biomedin Sekure-tabletteja. Alkuun söin tabletin aamuin illoin, nyt nuukana ihmisenä vain aamuin. Tuotteesta löytyy Resveratrolia 50mg, kurkumiinia 200mg ja seleeniä 50mg. Kaikki aineet ovat Rikun taulukossa. Minä taas tilalleni tuotteeni ihan vaan Sinun apteekista netistä.


ALStuttu:n jäsen
Minä olen tilannut resveratrolia briteistä Terraternalista. Olen tilannut 300 mg kapseleita 60 kappaleen purkeissa.